From Jalopnik Article Oct. 5th, 2010 Williamson County ADA Terry Wood said Sharyn Bovat did not mention the Leaf prior to Oct 2010. That is EASILY proven to be a lie. see below
Sharyn has webstats from 2 companies.... showing that she did mention the Leaf and people looked at the blog.
Nissan Whistleblower: Letter Sent to Marsha Blackburn About CIA ...
Dec 28, 2012 – This is Sharyn Bovat the NISSAN Whistleblower with a request. FYI- I'm cc'ing a lot of people because I'm terrified - What has happened to me ...
You +1'd this
Solyndra read Sharn Bovat's blog 1142 times
(remember the solar company that went bankrupt, they looked at my blog each day I was arrested. Also on at least one of those days someone from The Nashville law firm Baker Donelson - they submitted the affidavit. To bad I figured out my lawyer was "not on my side"... NOW NISSAN is gonna see "what" Sharyn Bovat "really has).
The Tennessean KNEW about the fraud done with taxpayer money & they stayed silent. Gannett knew a whistleblower was being abused in the Tennessee courts and they stayed silent. Why? Al Gore.
In Terry Woods affidavit "on file" Here's my response that is NOW on file. If you go to the look at it and they say it's not... Call me and I'll tell the DOJ.
My American constitutional rights have been taken away. NISSAN has slandered me & I'm fighting for Respect for me and the American taxpayers.
Look at these web stats. The ADA in his "affidavit" is WRONG I mentioned the Leaf
WOW- the page titles have the word "leaf".....
If this does NOT suppress the affidavit I was told I could take it up to the Supreme court. I'm gonna find out if that's true. Last year I was invited to a cocktail party to meet Judge Scalia and I missed it. This could give me another opportunity. I hear he's got a great sense of humor. Maybe the corrupt TN courts will give me another opportunity to meet him... Cool. This week I was invited to a conference on torture and the future role in it's use. FYI- I'm a Cold War era IC researcher & back then we got information have cocktails with the opposition -torture was something the "enemy" did. I was trained in how to keep my mind going if I was every taken hostage. Those skills came into use in Tennessee. If you read the court transcript you'll see what NISSAN executive Rob Trayham said about me. He was describing something I did to "keep my mind going" after NISSAN and the ENTIRE community isolated me. For over 2 years people stared at me. I was told to my face I was not welcome in Tennessee. People told me I did not belong in Tennessee. The last comment is one I agree with.
Anyway- After ALL this drama in Tennessee the "most corrupt state in the USA" I've decided to go back into National Security. Since I know stuff about he ex CIA that were involved with drug trafficing - Oddly a lot of them live in Tennessee. Lamar Alexander knows who I'm talking about.
My knowledge is WHY I've been persecuted. It's WHY the truth about the Lockerbie crash will be exposed & it's Why people will not want to move to Tennessee.
Matt Largen - I'm sure your not part of the CIA drug trafficking community- your too cute. I'm sure your just a spokesman they use to make Tennessee look like a mom and apple pie society. Your their puppet.
More Exhibits... Soon...

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