
NISSAN does business in IRAN.
NISSAN is using OUTDATED technology to make the Electric Leaf. The Volt is much more sophisticated.
ALL the information about the DOE fraud in on my websites and NOW Google has "misplaced them" on their search engines.
Mark Silverman of Gannett
is a friend of mine and today he said "it's probably the work of a lone wolf".... Well WHO Hired the wolf? and Why does Google NOT solve the problem. All bloggers should have the right to FREEDOM of speech a "lone wolf" at Google should not decide to "push down" my websites. If someone knows someone at Google PLEASE call them. Thank you!
FYI- Google is a BIG donor to the Obama Campaign...maybe the two "O's" in Google represent that they only let websites appear in search results that favor ONLY OBAMA... If it's true then it's sad. The internet is supposed to be a "voice" for average people.
The False Flag Operation being done to the American taxpayer is REAL
A while ago I got a call from Washington State and learned they could get a Republican Governor and ROMNEY could win the state and the DOE fraud is what's gonna turn those voters in the center to the RIGHT
OMG! Oregon paid over 100k for EV fast chargers and the level 3 part ONLY works on Japanese cars.

The French people are "fed up" with their Good Ole Boys too.
"In the case of a runoff—if no candidate secures 50% of the votes in the first round—Mr. Hollande would beat Mr. Sarkozy 57% to 43%, the pollster said. Mr. Hollande gained three percentage points from the previous poll...." Wall Street Journal
Some people call the war profiteers patriots..... And i will agree with them for I'm part of that "family" and no matter what I say I put America First. I'm loyal my country. Patriot's "raised me" so when I say I'm a Hawk with a Heart I truly define the words.
Have a great day